Fallas calendar 2023
A complete programme of every event in Fallas 2023, from February to the 19th of March
Fallas calendar 2023
A complete programme of every event in Fallas 2023, from February to the 19th of March
Fallas is really a feat that takes all year to prepare. Artists, committee members, falleras and falleros work tirelessly all year round to raise funds for the festival, organise events, plan and design the fallas. Finally, they pull it all together to deliver the most spectacular, colourful, and loudest festival they can muster.
However, most of these events throughout the year happen behind the scenes - at least for regular people and visitors. What instead is hard to miss, are the days leading up to the 19th of March.
Between the end of February and the first couple of weeks of the following month, the city quietly shakes off the last remnants of winter. As spring gently makes its way into Valencia, Fallas - not quiet, nor discreet - barges in, fervent and theatrical.

The rhythm of the festival grows in a crescendo of celebrations, colours, lights, firecrackers and music. The most significant and important days, generally referred to as those of the Semana Fallera, are the final ones, between the 15th and the 19th of March.
Here is a summary of the key events in the Semana Fallera.
Wednesday 15th March, morning
Plantà Infantil
The fallas infantiles (allegorical sculptures made for children) are placed all over the city for the Plantà Infantil.
Wednesday 15th March, 5:30 pm
Proclamation of the Ninot Indultat
The Ninot Exhibition is closed and the first prize winner is chosen, becoming a Ninot Indultat.
The ninots that have not won get taken back to their respective fallas in the Recogida del Ninot.
Between 15th-16th March, 12:00 am
Albà de les Falles
The Albà de les Falles is a pyrotechnic display that anticipates the final days of the festival.
Night between 15th-16th March
The fallas mayores (large allegorical sculptures commenting socio-political themes) are set up all over Valencia for the Plantà.
Thursday 16th March, 8:00 am
A loud morning parade with firecrackers and marching bands, called despertà.
Between 16th-17th March, 12:30 am
Castillo de Fuegos Artificiales
The Castillo de Fuegos Artificiales is a large firework display taking place in Paseo de la Alameda, along the Turia park.
Friday 17th March, 8:00 am
Another morning parade where falleras, falleros, and marching bands walk around the city setting off loud firecrackers.
Friday 17th March, 3:30 pm
Ofrenda de las Flores
The Ofrenda de Flores is a flower offering honouring the Patron Saint of the city, the Virgin of the Forsaken.
Between 17th-18th March, 1:00 am
Castillo de Fuegos Artificiales
Another Castillo de Fuegos Artificiales (literally translates to firework castle) takes place in Paseo de la Alameda, along the Turia park.
Saturday 18th March, 8:00 am
As every morning during the Semana Fallera, the city is woken up by this loud morning parade.
Saturday 18th March, 3:30 pm
Ofrenda de las Flores
For the second day in a row, falleras and falleros parade in traditional clothing to Plaza de la Virgen to make a flower offering honouring the Virgin.
Between 18th-19th March, 1:30 am
Nit del Foc
This is the most awaited firework display of the festival, the Nit del Foc that takes place in Paseo de la Alameda, along the Turia park.
Sunday 19th March, 8:00 am
For the last time, Valencia is woken by loud firecrackers and marching band music for the despertà.
Sunday 19th March, 6:00 pm
Cavalcada del Foc
The Cavalcada del Foc is a fire parade complete with fireworks, dancers, floats, fire-eaters.
Sunday 19th March, 8:00 pm
Fallas infantiles Cremà
The bonfires of the Cremà are opened with the burning of all the fallas infantiles in the city.
Sunday 19th March, 10:00 pm
Fallas mayores Cremà
After the fallas infantiles have burnt, it’s the turn of the fallas mayores.
Sunday 19th March, 11:00 pm
Municipal Cremà
Finally, after all other fallas have been burnt, the municipal falla in Plaza del Ayuntamiento is burnt too, closing the festival with the last Cremà.
For more info about where each event is taking place and the detailed programme for each day of the Semana Fallera, you can check our in-depth calendar.
For information about all other events taking place before the Semana Fallera, you can check the February Fallas programme and the early March Fallas programme.