Mascletá set up - Fallas Valencia

Early March programme

As mentioned in other sections of this article, the most eventful days of the Fallas festival are between the 15th and the 19th of March. Nonetheless, since the beginning of March, many events start taking place around the city.

  • Early March Dates to be determined

    • Nighttime: Encendido de luces. The different Fallas committees set up stunning and artistic street illumination, surprising the public with their colours and fanciful shapes every year.

  • 1st March Wednesday

  • 2nd March Thursday

  • 3rd March Friday

  • 4th March Saturday
    • 2:00 pm: Mascletà (Gironina pyrotechnics) in Plaza del Ayuntamiento, the Mascletà celebrates the Fallas festival with loud pyrotechnic displays.
    • 5:30 pm: Cabalgata del Ninot. The Cabalgata del Ninot is a parade through the city streets where you’ll get to see the Fallas committees sporting satirical costumes. The itinerary will go from La Glorieta, following in La Paz, San Vicente, Plaza del Ayuntamiento, Marqués de Sotelo, and finally Calle Játiva.
    • 9:00 pm - 11:00 pm: Mascletà nocturnaNighttime pyrotechnic displays (Mascletàs nocturnas) in the following neighbourhoods.Natzaret (pyrotechnics by Hermanos Caballer).La Saïdia (pyrotechnics by Aitana).

    Jesús (pyrotechnics by Mediterráneo).

    Campanar (Valenciana pyrotechnics).

  • 5th March Sunday

    • 10:00 am Concurso del Cant de l’Estoreta. Traditional Cant de l’Estoreta competition organised by the Plaça de l’Arbre committee in Plaza del Carmen.
    • 2:00 pm: Mascletà (pyrotechnics by Alpujarreña) in Plaza del Ayuntamiento, the Mascletà celebrates the Fallas festival with loud pyrotechnic displays.

  • 6th March Monday

    • 2:00 pm: Mascletà (pyrotechnics by Focs d’Artifici Camp de Túria) in Plaza del Ayuntamiento, the Mascletà celebrates the Fallas festival with loud pyrotechnic displays.

  • 7th March Tuesday

  • 8th March Wednesday

  • 9th March Thursday

    • 2:00 pm: Mascletà (pyrotechnics by Nadal-Martí) in Plaza del Ayuntamiento, the Mascletà celebrates the Fallas festival with loud pyrotechnic displays.
    • 6:00 pm: Homenaje de las Fuerzas Armadas. Armed Forces Tribute in La Alameda.

  • 10th March Friday

  • 11th March Saturday

  • 12th March Sunday
    • 2:00 pm: Mascletà (Mediterráneo pyrotechnics) in Plaza del Ayuntamiento, the Mascletà celebrates the Fallas festival with loud pyrotechnic displays.
    • 3:00 pm: local Mascletàs in the following neighbourhoods.Camins al Grau (pyrotechnics by Caballer FX)

    Benicalap (pyrotechnics by Crespo)

  • 13th March Monday

  • 14th March Tuesday

    • 2:00 pm: Mascletà (pyrotechnics by Tamarit) in Plaza del Ayuntamiento, the Mascletà celebrates the Fallas festival with loud pyrotechnic displays.
    • 5:00 pm: Closure of the Ninot Infantil Exhibition. Voting for the Ninot Indultat infantil is closed and the votes are counted.
    • 5:30 pm: Proclamation of the Ninot Indultat Infantil.The first prize winner among the children’s ninots at the Ninot Exhibition is chosen, becoming a Ninot Indultat infantil.
    • 5:45 pm: Recogida del Ninot.The ninots infantils that have not won get taken back to their respective fallas.

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