Fireworks over Torres Serranos during la Crida - Fallas Valencia

January-February Programme

Although Fallas is usually referred to as happening between the 15th and 19th of March, some of the events that open the festival take place as early as the end of January and February.

So if you’re a real Fallas fan and want to enjoy every single event related to the festival, here are the ceremonies and displays that take place before March. Most of the events this early in the year are formal events, galas, and inaugurations.

  • 27th January Friday

    • 10:00 pm Exaltación de la Fallera Mayor de Valencia. The Fallera Mayor and her Corte de Honor are officially welcomed into Palacio de Congresos.

  • 28th January Saturday

    • 5:30 pm Exaltación de la Fallera Mayor Infantil de Valencia. The Fallera Mayor Infantil and her Corte de Honor are officially welcomed into Palacio de Congresos.

  • 30th January Monday

    • 10:00 am - 2:00 pm & 4:00 pm - 9:00 pm: Reception of the ninots for the Exposición del Ninot. The ninots that will participate in the Ninot Exhibition are welcomed into the Museo de las Ciencias.

  • 31st January Tuesday

    • 10:00 am - 2:00 pm & 4:00 pm - 9:00 pm: Reception of the ninots for the Exposición del Ninot. The ninots that will participate in the Ninot Exhibition are welcomed into the Museo de las Ciencias.

  • 2nd February Thursday

    • 8:00 pm: Gala de la Pirotecnia. The pyrotechnics gala is a formal event where the fireworks calendar for the current year is presented.

  • 3rd February Friday

    • 7:00 pm: Exposición del Ninot. The Ninot Exhibition opens its doors in the Science Museum. You can enjoy hundreds of ninots by different Fallas artists and vote to save your favourite from the flames.

  • 10th February Friday

    • 7:30 pm: Presentation of the Libro Fallero. The Fallero Book (a sort of yearbook containing the names of all the people that have contributed to the festival, with information regarding their Fallas committees, delegations, and organisations). The presentation takes place in the Museo de las Ciencias.

  • 11th February Saturday
    • Photo session with the Fallera Mayor Infantil the Palacio de la Exposición.

    • 9:15 am Benimàmet-Burjassot-Beniferri, Pla del Reial-Benimaclet, Olivereta committees.

    • 10:30 am Camins al Grau, Malvarrrosa-Cabanyal-Beteró, Algirós committees.

    • 11:45 am Jesús, Rascanya, Creu Coberta committees.

    • 1:00 pm Patraix, El Carmen, Benicalap, Campanar committees.

    • Photo session with the Fallera Mayor in the Palacio de la Exposición:

    • 4:30 pm Malvarrosa-Cabanyal-Beteró committee.

    • 5:15 pm Jesus committee.

    • 6:00 pm Creu Coberta committee.

    • 7:00 pm El Carmen committee.

    • 7:45 pm Mislata committee.

    • 6:00 pm Gala Infantil de la Cultura. The gala takes place in the Teatro Principal.

  • 12th February Sunday

    • Photo session with the Fallera Mayor in the Palacio de la Exposición.
    • 4:15 pm Zaidía committee.
    • 5:30 pm Roqueta-Arrancapins committee.
    • 6:30 pm Seu-Xerea-Mercat committee.
    • 7:00 pm Poblas al Sud committee.
    • 7:45 pm Benicalap-Campanar committee.

  • 17th February Friday

    • 6:00 pm Gala Infantil. Formal event in La Plazeta.
    • 9:00 pm Gala de la Cultura. Formal event in the Teatro Principal.

  • 18th February Saturday
    • Photo session with the Fallera Mayor Infantil the Palacio de la Exposición.

    • 9:15 am Pla del Remei-Gran Via, Quart de Poblet-Xirivella, Zaidía committees.

    • 10:30 am Russafa, Roqueta-Arrancapins, Mislata committees.

    • 11:45 am Poblats al Sud, Seu-Xerea-Mercat, Pilar-Sant Francesc committees.

    • 12:45 pm Botànic-La Petxina, Canyamelar-Grau-Nazaret, Quatre Carreres committees.

    • Photo session with the Fallera Mayor in the Palacio de la Exposición.

    • 4:30 pm Pla del Remei-Gran Vía committee.

    • 5:15 pm Botànic-La Petxina committee.

    • 6:00 pm Canyamelar-Grau-Nazaret committee.

    • 6:45 pm Quatre Carreres committee.

    • 6:00 pm Gala Infantil de la Cultura. The gala takes place in the Teatro Principal.

  • 19th February Sunday

    • Photo session with the Fallera Mayor in the Palacio de la Exposición:
    • 9:15 am Quart de Poblet-Xirivella committee.
    • 10:00 am Olivereta committee.
    • 11:00 am Camins al Grau committee.
    • 12:00 pm Pilar-Sant Frances committee.
    • 12.45 pm Rascanya committee.

  • 24th February Friday

    • 9:00 pm: Gala Fallera. The gala is a formal event that brings together the top representatives of the Fallas to celebrate the start of the festival. It takes place in the Fira de València, a large events hall.

  • 26th February Sunday

    • 7:15 am: Despertà Infantil. The young falleras and falleros of Valencia parade around the city, setting off loud firecrackers on the occasion of the despertà infantil.
    • 7:30 am: Macrodespertà (Mediterráneo pyrotechnics). Hundreds of falleras and falleros parade around the city, setting off loud firecrackers, followed by marching bands for the macrodespertà. This is concluded in Plaza del Ayuntamiento for a final, loud display called Disparà.
    • 12:00 pm: Entrada de Bandas de Música. The bands march to Plaza del Ayuntamiento in preparation for the Mascletà.
    • 2:00 pm: Mascletà (Valenciana pyrotechnics). In Plaza del Ayuntamiento, the first Mascletà of the year celebrates the Fallas days to come with a loud pyrotechnic display.
    • 7:00 pm: Crida (Valenciana pyrotechnics). The proclamation of the Fallas, where Valencia’s mayor and Falleras Mayores give their speeches at the Torres de Serranos before another firework display. The crowd then walks to the Basilica de la Mare de Deu in a parade to the Virgin.

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