Falla burning during la Cremá - Fallas Valencia

Semana Fallera

The Semana Fallera, literally meaning Fallas week is not actually a full week. The term generally identifies the days between the Plantà of the fallas, on the 15th of March, and their Cremà, on the 19th of March - the last day of the festival. These are definitely the most eventful days, when something is always happening at almost any given time of the day or night.

The Mascletà - the loud pyrotechnic display in Plaza del Ayuntamiento at 2:00 pm - also takes place every day during the Semana Fallera.

  • 15th March Wedsnesday

    • Before 9:00 am: Plantà Infantil. After a year of hard work, Fallas artists and falleros work to place the fallas infantiles in their respective neighbourhoods for the Plantà Infantil.
    • 2:00 pm: Mascletà (pyrotechnics by Hermanos Caballer) in Plaza del Ayuntamiento, the Mascletà celebrates the Fallas festival with loud pyrotechnic displays.
    • 5:00 pm: Closure of the Ninot Exhibition. Voting for the Ninot Indultat (adult) is closed and the votes are counted.
    • 5:30 pm: Proclamation of the Ninot Indultat. The first prize winner among the adults’ ninots at the Ninot Exhibition is chosen, becoming a Ninot Indultat.
    • 5:45 pm: Recogida del Ninot. The ninots that have not won get taken back to their respective fallas.
    • 12:00 am (night between 15th-16th): Albà de les Falles (pyrotechnics by Hermanos Caballer). The Albà de les Falles is another pyrotechnic display that anticipates the Plantà of the fallas mayores.

  • 16th March Thursday

    • Before 8:00 am: Plantà. The fallas mayores (adult) are placed all over the city in the act of the Plantà overnight. When Valencia wakes up, the fallas will have sprouted all over the city.
    • 8:00 am: Despertà. Hundreds of falleras and falleros parade around the city, setting off loud firecrackers, followed by marching bands on occasion of the despertà.
    • 2:00 pm: Mascletà (pyrotechnics by Turís) in Plaza del Ayuntamiento, the Mascletà celebrates the Fallas festival with loud pyrotechnic displays.
    • 4:30 pm: Proclamation Fallas Infantiles prizes. The prize winners among the fallas infantiles are announced.

  • Night between 16th-17th March Thursday-Friday

    • 12:30 am: Castillo de Fuegos Artificiales (pyrotechnics by Aitana). A large firework display, called Castillo de Fuegos Artificiales (firework castle) takes place in Paseo de la Alameda, along the Turia park.

  • 17th March Friday
    • 8:00 am: Despertà
    • Hundreds of falleras and falleros parade around the city, setting off loud firecrackers, followed by marching bands on the occasion of the despertà.
    • 9:30 am: Proclamation Fallas prizes. The prize winners among the fallas mayores are announced.
    • 2:00 pm: Mascletà (pyrotechnics by Crespo) in Plaza del Ayuntamiento, the Mascletà celebrates the Fallas festival with loud pyrotechnic displays.
    • 3:30 pm: Ofrenda de las Flores

    Falleras and falleros parade to Plaza de la Virgen to make a flower offering, called Ofrenda de Flores, honouring the Patron Saint of the city, the Virgin of the Forsaken. The schedule is as follows.Calle de la Paz

    3:30 pm: La Malva-rosa - El Cabanyal - Beteró

    4:45 pm: Algirós

    5:45 pm: Poblats del Sud

    7:00 pm: Quatre Carreres

    8:30 pm: El Pla del Remei - Gran Via

    10:00 pm: Benimàmet - Burjassot - Beniferri

    Calle de San Vicente

    3:30 pm: L’Olivereta

    5:15 pm: La Saïdia

    6:45 pm: El Carme

    7:30 pm: Benicalap

    8:45 pm: Campanar

    9:45 pm: La Roqueta – Arrancapins

    11:30 pm: Casas regionales

    11:35 pm: Local Juntas falleras

    11:40 pm: Falla Azcárraga - Fernando el Católico

    11:45 pm: Comitiva oficial

    11:55 pm: Fallera mayor infantil de València and her corte de honor, Junta Central Fallera and Banda Sinfónica Municipal de València

  • Night between 17th-18th March Friday-Saturday

    • 1:00 am: Castillo de Fuegos Artificiales (pyrotechnics by Hermanos Caballer). A large firework display, called Castillo de Fuegos Artificiales (firework castle) takes place in Paseo de la Alameda, along the Turia park.

  • 18th March Saturday
    • 8:00 am: Despertà. Hundreds of falleras and falleros parade around the city, setting off loud firecrackers, followed by marching bands on the occasion of the despertà.
    • 10:30 am and 12:00 pm: Homenajes. Two homages take place. One to the poet Maximiliano Thous, writer of the Comunitat Valenciana hymn, and the other to Maestro Serrano, the composer of the hymn.
    • 2:00 pm: Mascletà (Aitana pyrotechnics) in Plaza del Ayuntamiento, the Mascletà celebrates the Fallas festival with loud pyrotechnic displays.
    • 3:30 pm: Ofrenda de Flores. For the second day in a row, falleras and falleros parade to Plaza de la Virgen to make a flower offering honouring the Virgin of the Forsaken. The design on the Virgin’s mantle is soon to be revealed. The schedule is as follows.Calle de la Paz

    3:30 pm: El Pla del Real - Benimaclet

    5:15 pm: El Canyamelar - El Grau - Natzaret

    6:15 pm: La Xerea

    6:45 pm: Rascanya

    8:15 pm: Camins al Grau

    10:00 pm: Russafa A

    11:00 pm: Russafa B

    Calle de San Vicente

    3:30 pm: La Creu Coberta

    4:45 pm: El Pilar - Sant Francesc

    5:45 pm: Patraix

    7:00 pm: La Seu - El Mercat

    7:30 pm: Botànic - La Petxina

    8:30 pm: Quart de Poblet - Xirivella10:00 pm: Jesús

    11:15 pm: Mislata

    12:30 am: Casas regionales

    12:40 am: Entidades invitadas

    12:50 am: Falla L’Antiga de Campanar

    12:55 am: Comitiva oficial

    1:05 am: Fallera Mayor de València and her corte de honor, Junta Central Fallera and Banda Sinfónica Municipal de València

  • Night between 18th-19th March Saturday-Sunday

    • 1:00 am: Nit del Foc (Mediterráneo pyrotechnics). The longest, most spectacular, and most awaited firework display of the festival is the Nit del Foc that you can see from Paseo de la Alameda, along the Turia park.

  • 19th March Sunday

    • 8:00 am: Despertà. Hundreds of falleras and falleros parade around the city, setting off loud firecrackers, followed by marching bands on the occasion of the despertà.
    • 12:00 pm: Misa solemne. A solemn mass in honour of Sant Josep (St Joseph) is held in the Cathedral of Valencia with the attendance of the Falleras Mayores and their Cortes de Honor.
    • 2:00 pm: Mascletà (Valenciana pyrotechnics) in Plaza del Ayuntamiento, the Mascletà celebrates the Fallas festival with loud pyrotechnic displays.
    • 6:00 pm: Cavalcada del Foc. The fire parade Cavalcada del Foc prepares the city for the flames of the Cremà. You can see this beautiful display along Calle Colón, Calle Ruzafa and down to Plaza de la Porta del Mar.
    • 8:00 pm: Fallas infantiles Cremà. The Cremà is opened with the burning of all the fallas infantiles sculptures in the city.
    • 8:30 pm: Cremà of the fallas infantiles prize winner. The special section’s first prize winner for the fallas infantiles category is burnt.
    • 9:00 pm: Cremà of the falla infantil municipal. The Municipal falla infantil in Plaza del Ayuntamiento is burnt.
    • 10:00 pm: Fallas mayores Cremà. Now it’s the turn of the fallas mayores to burn in the Cremà.
    • 10:30 pm: Cremà of the fallas mayores prize winner. The special section’s first prize winner for the fallas mayores category is burnt.
    • 11:00 am: Municipal Cremà. Finally, after all other fallas have been burnt, the municipal falla mayor in Plaza del Ayuntamiento is burnt too, bringing the festival to a closure with the last Cremà and a final firework show (organised by Valenciana pyrotechnics)

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