Person validating metro ticket in Valencia

Single tickets

Free Transport Under 30 - 9th October - 31st December 2022

Free public transport (metro, trams, and buses) is available in Valencia for people under 30.

To benefit from this initiative, users have to request their free transport card online. The only prerequisite is a Spanish DNI or NIE as proof of age.

The single ticket (billete sencillo in Spanish) is particularly useful for occasional trips by public transport. Single tickets are not interchangeable, you will thus have to buy separate tickets for separate means of transport.

Single EMT bus or Metrobus ticket

A single EMT bus or Metrobus ticket can be purchased directly on the bus from the driver, or through the EMTicket app. Bus tickets purchased on board do not allow for transfers, while a ticket purchased on the app EMTicket is valid for one hour and has no transfer limits.

The cost of the ticket varies depending on the areas covered. All bus tickets covering one zone will cost €1.50, two zones €2.80, and three zones €4.80.

Zones One zone Two zones Three zones
Price €1.50 €2.80 €4.80
EMT Valencia ticket
Single bus tickets are printed on paper directly on board. They are the only kind of ticket that doesn’t need to be validated after purchase.

Single metro/tram ticket

A single metro or tram ticket can be purchased directly at a metro station, either from an automated machine or from an attendant at a stand.

Prices vary depending on the zones in which you are travelling. A one-zone ticket will cost €1.50, two zones €2.80, and three zones €4.80.

Zones One zone Two zones Three zones
Price €1.50 €2.80 €4.80

You will most likely stay in Zone A, except for your journey between the airport and the city (which covers zones A-B-C). Once you have bought the ticket, you will need to tap it upon entering and exiting the metro.

Keep in mind that the price of a single metro or tram ticket does not include the cost of the physical cardboard ticket. Remember that you can load up to four single tickets on the same card, so if you are travelling with someone else, you don’t have to buy two separate cards.

Metro Valencia ticket
Metro Valencia tickets and passes can be loaded on cardboard Móbilis cards like these.

You can also re-use the same card to reload the same or different travel options (for instance a 10-journey SUMA), thus not having to pay the extra €1.00. This is why it’s always best to keep your ticket after use.

For more details on how to get this pass, check the how to buy your ticket section in this article.

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Single tickets