Fallas Clothing

Bright colours, rich fabrics, endless details and meticulous embroidery. These are the clothes worms by falleras and falleros during Fallas.

The dresses worn by falleras and falleros during the Fallas festival, especially during parades and official events such as the Ofrenda de Flores, are based on regional 18th and 19th centuries clothing. These garments shouldn’t however be considered to represent exactly how women and men, especially the huertanos (people that worked in the orchards and fields) dressed at the time.

Traditional fallera dress in a mosaic in Estació Nord
Inside Estació del Nord, Valencia’s main train station, you’ll find an original illustration (early 20th century) of a Valencian woman dressed in traditional regional clothing.

Rather, these are costumes that have been chosen to represent the regional festivity outfit, the fallas festival, and its participants at large. In any case, the historical accuracy of each outfit and how its pieces are put together are usually left to the personal taste of the fallera or fallero wearing them.

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