Using a transport app to buy public transport tickets in Valencia

Useful apps

There are a few useful apps for buying tickets or passes, checking the number of journeys left in your pass, or simply for checking the schedules and routes of the different public transport options in Valencia.

To use them during your stay, you’ll need a smartphone with an internet connection.

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Tool EMT Valencia app RecargaSUMA app* EMTicket app Metrovalencia app
Function Check live info about your bus, top up your Bonobus. Top up and check how many rides you have left on your SUMA pass. Buy single EMT bus tickets with your mobile phone. Check metro schedules and routes. Recharge passes that are not of much interest to tourists.
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*The RecargaSUMA app can only be used on devices that have a Spanish phone number.

EMT Valencia app

The EMT Valencia app is a free app that gives you updated information about bus schedules, routes, and their run time. It also allows you to recharge your Bonobus card online, and check how many rides you still have left on your card.

EMT Valencia App
The EMT Valencia app can be useful for those that use buses as their primary method of transport.

For more information, check out our article about useful apps and tools to move around in Valencia.

Download the EMTValencia app for Android

Download the EMTValencia app for iOS

RecargaSUMA app

The RecargaSUMA app (which replaces the RecargaMobilis app), is a free transport app. It allows users to check how many rides they have left on their card, as well as top them up. It works with any SUMA pass.

The account can only be verified if the user has a Spanish phone number. In our experience, it also doesn’t work on every device, so your ability to use it depends on the compatibility of your phone.

RecargaSUMA App used for buying tickets in Valencia
The RecargaSUMA app is ideal for those that want to reload their SUMA passes on the go.

For more information, check out our article about useful apps and tools to move around in Valencia.

Download the RecargaSUMA app for Android

EMTicket app

EMTicket is a mobile application that allows you to buy single tickets from your mobile phone to travel on all EMT buses in Valencia.

A ticket purchased on the app EMTicket is valid for one hour and has no transfer limits. To purchase a ticket through EMTicket you will need to download the app, create an account and purchase the ticket.

At this point, you will have 60 days to activate the ticket and use it. For more information on how to use this app, you can consult the official EMT Valencia website .

EMTicket App Valencia
With EMTicket you can buy electronic single bus tickets and store them for later use.

Read our article on useful transport tools and apps if you want to know more.

Download the EMTicket app for Android

Download the EMTicket app for iOS

Metrovalencia app

The Metrovalencia app is very similar to the EMT Valencia app. It allows you to check the updated info about metro schedules, routes, updates, and run time. You cannot recharge any SUMA passes or get single metro tickets on this app. You can only recharge metro-exclusive services, like TuiN, a monthly metro pass that is not of much use to tourists.

Metrovalencia App
The Metrovalencia app can be a useful tool for those that use the metro or tram often.

To know more about transport apps check our article about useful apps and tools to get around in Valencia.

Download the MetroValencia app for Android

Download the MetroValencia app for iOS

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