Tourists in Torres de Quart in Valencia

Location and how to get there

The monument used to act as a gate to Mediaeval Valencia. It is thanks to this advantaged position and its historical significance that the Quart Towers are easily reachable, no matter where you are in the city.


The Torres de Quart stand right at the western edge of Valencia’s Carmen neighbourhood, which is of course located in the interior, to their east. On their western side, the Towers overlook Guillem de Castro street, not far away from metro stops Túria and Àngel Guimerà.

The street that passes through the gate is called Carrer de Quart in reference to the Towers. This street goes from the city’s old quarters towards one of the Gran Vias that enclose Valencia’s most central areas.

How to get there

Because of its location, the Torres are rather easy to reach. If you are in the city centre or close to it already, we highly recommend you walk or bike there. If you are in a different part of the city, you might want to take public transport.

By metro/tram

There are a couple of metro stops rather close to the Quart Towers. Depending on where you are located, one or the other might be more convenient.

Àngel Guimerà is one of the most important stops in Valencia, as five lines (1, 2, 3, 5, 9) meet at this stop. The stop is only 700 m (9-minute walk, a little over 0.4 miles) southwest of the Towers.

Angel Guimera metro station in Valencia
Àngel Guimerà is the metro stop where the most lines meet in Valencia.

Your other option is metro stop Túria, 650 m north-west of the Towers (9-minute walk, about 0.4 miles). Here, lines 1 and 2 meet.

For detailed information about how this system works, you can read our article about the metro and trams in Valencia.

By bus

There are a couple of bus stops very close to the Towers. They are all located on the western side of the Towers, outside the Old Town.

People getting on a bus in Valencia
Buses offer a reliable and frequent service in Valencia.

For detailed information about tickets and how to get them, you can read our article about buses in Valencia.

Here you have a summary of the bus lines, routes, and stops you should use to reach the Quart Towers.

Line C1 28 73
Stop Torres de Quart Torres de Quart Quart - Guillem de Castro
Details It is a circular line that runs the length of the old city walls, hugging the old quarters of the city. Some of its stops are Puerta de la Mar, Plaza del Ayuntamiento, Xátiva, Torres dels Serrans. *:*This line runs the entire length of the old city walls, circumscribing the old quarters of the city. It also goes into the neighbourhoods north of the centre for a stretch. This line dwells mostly in the western part of the city, connecting the Old Town with neighbourhoods like l’Olivereta and Sant Isidre.

By taxi

Cabs are obviously the most expensive option to move around the city, and in this case, they might not be the most comfortable way to get to your destination.

Taxi Valencia
Moving around the centre with a taxi can be quite slow and expensive, so we recommend it only if moving with other means of transport or on foot is not an option for you.

As there are many more options to reach the Quart Towers, we would only recommend this means of transport if your departure point is quite far from the old quarters, maybe in the outskirts of the city. It is normally quite easy to hail a taxi in the street in Valencia, but other options are also booking through a mobile app or through a phone call.

See detailed information on this in our article about taxis in Valencia.

By bike

Valencia is a very bike-friendly city, so we always recommend exploring it this way.

On the official map , you’ll see that there are bike paths circling the city’s old quarters. You can also cycle in the city centre and its pedestrian zones, as long as there is enough room for people to walk. On the same map, you will also see that there is a Valenbisi station right outside the Towers, and others further up or down Guillem de Castro street and Carrer de Quart.

Valenbisi bike at the station
You’ll find many Valenbisi stations like this one all around the city centre.

If you want to know more about cycling in the city, read our article about biking in Valencia.

By scooter

Electric scooters are an ever-more popular transport solution in Valencia. They are ideal if you want to move independently around the city and you don’t want to get stuck in traffic, but you don’t like cycling or walking. Many scooter-sharing companies offer rental plans that let you pay per minute of use and nothing else.

People riding on Yego electric scooter in Valencia
Electric scooters are a great way to move quickly around Valencia.

You can park and drive your scooter within a designated area in the city’s urban zone. Generally, you are not allowed to park in the Old Town, but there are no restrictions to park nearby, just outside the old walls.

If you want to know more about this, you can check out our article about electric scooter rentals in Valencia.

On foot

Given that the Torres de Quart stand guard at the edge of the Old Town, it is normal that reaching them on foot is not difficult at all. In fact, if you are in the centre, going on foot is likely the easiest option.

Tourists visiting Torres de Quart in Valencia
Exploring Valencia’s Old Town on foot is always recommended.

From Plaça de la Mare de Deu, which is right in the heart of the Ciutat Vella, the Towers are only 800 m away (10-minute walk, about 0.5 miles).

From Estación del Norte, located at the southern end of the city centre, the Quart Towers are only 1.3 km away (16-minute walk, 0.8 miles). To reach it you will simply have to walk up Carrer Guillem de Castro.

Even Porta de la Mar, which is on the other side of the city centre, at the eastern edge, is only 1.5 km away from the Towers (19-minute walk, a little under 1 mile).

If you want to get some interesting information while walking through the city centre, we have created self-guided itineraries that you can enjoy at your own pace.

We have a wide selection of themed tours that include the Torres de Quart. If this sounds like something you could enjoy, feel free to take a look at our Northleg itineraries.

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