People at the fountain in Plaza del Ayuntamiento in Valencia

Useful tips for your visit

Here are our recommendations and tips to ensure that you make the most of your experience and that you don’t miss out on anything Plaza del Ayuntamiento has to offer.

Municipal History Museum temporarily closed

The Museum is temporarily closed for a remodelling of the centre, therefore it is not possible to visit it. The re-opening dates have not been confirmed.
  • Plaza del Ayuntamiento is extremely central and a major hub for both pedestrian and vehicle traffic. For this reason, you’ll probably end up here many times while on your stay in Valencia, so there’s no need to plan for a dedicated visit.
  • If you have to pick a time, our suggestion is that you keep away from the hottest hours of the day. The best times to visit are probably in the morning - when you’ll be able to see all the stalls open at the Flower Market - and at dusk and night, when locals come out for a stroll and relax on the benches.
  • When you do get there, we recommend taking some time to relax and people-watch in the square. Being the biggest square in the city centre, the area is always bubbling with activity, so you might see locals of all ages going for a stroll, demonstrations, street vendors, skateboarders, families, or one of the many fairs or festivals.
  • If you get hungry, the area is surrounded by food and drink venues. There are plenty of benches, so you can have a snack or a sweet treat while enjoying the breeze.
  • Consider going to the Municipal History Museum inside the Town Hall building if you are interested in original artefacts, manuscripts, and historical objects.
  • To get a nice view over the square remember to go to the Town Hall’s ornate balcony or the Ateneo Sky Bar.
  • If you need it, you’ll find a public air pump to inflate your bike’s tyres in front of the Ayuntamiento building (the northern edge).
Public bicycle air pump in Plaza del Ayuntamiento in Valencia
If your bike tyres are flat, there’s an air pump in the square for public use.

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