Taximeter showing the fare in a cab in Valencia


There are no fixed fares for specific journeys in Valencia, there are however supplements and minimum charges established by the Generalitat Valenciana (the government institution that runs the autonomous Community of Valencia).

If you want to avoid surprises and misunderstandings, you should ask the cab driver in advance for an approximation of the ride cost. The final cost is always automatically calculated by the taximeter. This calculation takes into account several variables and circumstances that we will explain ahead.

On a registered taxi, you will also find the official prices inside the vehicle, either on the window or on the back of the driver’s seat. Keep in mind that the official fares do not apply to VTCs, only to normal, registered taxis

Valencia taxi fares information sheet
You can see official taxi fare sheets inside any registered taxi in Valencia. They usually are behind the driver’s seat, or on one of the rear door windows.

Remember that in case you hail a cab on the street or get one at a taxi stand, the taximeter should be turned on from the moment you get in the car. If, on the other hand, you are booking via phone call or app, the taximeter will be running since before you get into the taxi, as the taxi driver needs to get to you. On Free Now, however, the taximeter isn’t usually turned on until you get into the cab.

Flag drop charge

When you get into a cab, the taximeter will start from a certain fixed charge. From then on, the cost will be calculated based on the number of kilometres you travel. This initial charge changes depending on the day and time.

The following initial flag drop charges apply:

Day and time
Day and time Weekdays (7:00 am - 9:00 pm) Every day at night(9:00 pm - 7:00 am)* Weekends and bank holidays
Fare €1.50 €2.05 €2.05

*Refers to 7:00 am of the following day.

Taximeter in a taxi in Valencia
The taximeter should be switched on from the moment you get in the cab.

Fares per kilometre and waiting time

Once the cab meter is running, the cost will be calculated following these fares. If the driver is waiting for you the cost will be calculated on an hourly basis. If the cab is running, the cost will be calculated on kilometres travelled.

Day and time
Cost per kilometre
Cost per hour of waiting time
Day and time Weekdays (7:00 am - 9:00 pm) Every day at night(9:00 pm - 7:00 am)* Weekends and bank holidays
Cost per kilometre €1.09 €1.19 €1.19
Cost per hour of waiting time €19.50 €22.50 €22.50

*Refers to 7:00 am of the following day.

Minimum charges

At the end of your ride, no matter how far you have travelled, the cab driver will have to charge you a minimum that depends on the time and place of your journey. This won’t affect you if the taximeter is indicating a price higher than what is shown in the table below.

However, if for example, you are travelling in the city during the daytime and at the end of your ride the cost of the taximeter comes up to be €3.50, you will still be charged the minimum of €4.00.

Time 7:00 am - 9:00 pm 9:00 pm - 7:00 am* Journeys from the airport, anytime
Fare €4.00 €6.00 €12.00

*Refers to 7:00 am of the following day. **€5.40 airport supplement included.

Additional costs

In some cases, extra costs are added to the taxi fare:

Origin Airport* Transmediterranea, docks or Feria Valencia
Supplement €5.40 €2.95

*The airport supplement is already included in the airport minimum charge of €12.00.

Fixed fares

As explained in the previous sections of the article, there are no fixed fares established by the Generalitat Valenciana.

Methods of payment

Any ride can be paid for with cash and, theoretically, with credit cards. Legally, all taxis must have a card reader on board, nevertheless, it could happen that these don’t work, so it’s recommended to always carry some cash with you. If you are planning on paying with a card, ask the driver if that is possible before getting in the cab.

Paying a taxi ride by card in Valencia
In Valencia, it is mandatory for taxis to have a card reader on board.

Also, keep in mind that taxi drivers are only obliged to have change up to €20.00, so make sure you are not paying with bills bigger than €50.00.

If your taxi driver is registered on Free Now, you will also be able to pay via the app. All you need to do in that case is to let them know you’d like to pay with Free Now, they’ll search for you on their app and then put the payment through as normal at the end of the journey.

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