Torres Serranos in Valencia - front view

Nearby places of interest

Given the Porta dels Serrans position, at the very entrance of the city’s old quarters, the construction is within walking distance of many important and historically significant landmarks.

This is the serpentine urban garden that hugs the city of Valencia, known as Jardín del Turia. The park is almost 10 km long (about 6 miles) and is an excellent example of urban space being used to create a liveable city. In it, you can find leisure areas, fountains, footpaths, bike lanes, open-air gyms, and sports pitches (including football and baseball).

The garden is divided into 16 sections (tramos in Spanish), separated by various bridges that help pedestrians and vehicles alike cross to the other side. Walking the entirety of the park would take about 1 hour and 30 minutes. The Porta dels Serrans is in front of the park’s sixth section, about halfway through.

If you would like to know more about this park, you can check out our article about the Jardín del Turia.

Plaça de la Mare de Déu, also known as Plaza de la Virgen, is one of the most emblematic squares of the city. It is located in the heart of the city’s old quarters, where the Roman Forum once stood.

On most days, you can find locals relaxing on the stone benches of the square, having a drink and enjoying the gurgling sound of the fountain waters and the view of the monuments.

The most important of these monuments is the Basílica de la Mare de Déu dels Desemparats, which is joined to the Catedral de Valencia behind it by a private passageway above an arch.

The Plaça is only 450 m away from the Serranos gate (5-minute walk, just under 0.3 miles).

If you would like to know more about this square, you can check out our article about the Plaça de la Mare de Déu.

Built on an ancient Roman temple, later a mosque, and now a Gothic church, the Cathedral of Valencia is one of the most important buildings in the city. The Cathedral, also called la Seu in Valencian, holds immense cultural and historical value thanks to its elements dating back to different eras and styles, as well as the art pieces held in the Cathedral Museum.

The Cathedral’s bell tower, the Miguelete, offers a spectacular panoramic view of the city to those willing to climb its 207 steps.

The Cathedral is only 600 m (a little under 0.4 miles) away from the Torres (7-minute walk), just behind Plaza de la Virgen.

If you would like to know more about this building, you can check out our article about the Cathedral of Valencia.

This beautifully curated garden can provide a moment of tranquillity from the city. The gardens, which today let their visitors enjoy mature trees, sculptures, rose gardens, ponds, shady areas and small aviaries, was originally established by the Moors.

The gardens are also home to Valencia’s Natural Science Museum (Museu de Ciències Naturals) and Meteorological Centre, as well as several sitting areas and a cafe.

The Jardines are 700 m away (9-minute walk, about 0.4 miles) from the Torres, just on the other side of the bridge and park.

If you want to learn more about this park, you can read our article about the Jardines del Real.

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