Valenbisi station in the city centre of Valencia


On top of the regular traffic norms, we have put together a list of useful tips for those interested in cycling with Valenbisi in Valencia. They are not rules per se, but they will make your experience easier and smoother.

Good practices and general use

  • Always remember to take care of the bike and return it correctly. You are considered responsible for it from the moment you take it until the moment you return it.
  • Before starting your journey, it’s always good to use the app to check if there are any free stands in the area where you plan on going. This is especially true if you are going to very busy areas or if you are moving late at night or early in the morning when most bikes are parked.
  • Using Valenbisi during holidays and festivals can be tricky, as most people will be going to the same places. This means that around celebration areas you will have many bikes parked and no free stands, while in other areas you will have few bikes available.
  • Your Valenbisi subscription is registered to your account and with your name, so you are not supposed to share it with anyone else. If you are caught lending your subscription to someone else, you could get a fine and your account could be suspended. However, no one is really likely to stop you and ask for your ID to check if it matches that of your Valenbisi membership.
  • You are also not supposed to carry anyone else with you on the bike. This would be difficult anyway, seeing the weight of the bike itself.
  • Valenbisi bikes have a lock available to secure your bike while unattended. This lets you run quick errands without having to park your bike at a station and having to take one out again a few minutes later.
  • The bikes also have a basket in the front to carry a few things if need be.
  • If you are using a Mobilis card and the station you wanted to return your bike to is full, you can simply tap your card on the terminal’s reader, and this will give you an extra 15 minutes to find another station near you. This is not possible if you’re using the app.
  • If you have a 7-day subscription and you’re not using the app, always keep your subscription number at hand. It could be a good idea to take a picture of it.
  • If you have an annual subscription, remember that your Móbilis card number is not the same as your account number. Write down your account number and keep it with you in case you need it to access the Valenbisi webpage.
  • Keep in mind that while no deposit is asked of you, from the moment you are signing up with Valenbisi, you are also giving them permission to take up to €150.00 from your account (in case of damages or fines). You can find more details about this in the penalties section of this article.
Valenbisi bike parked at the station in Valencia
Always remember to properly secure your Valenbisi bike to the stand.

Issues with the account or the bikes

  • We strongly recommend you return your bike to any Valenbisi station available within this first half hour. If you don’t return the bike to a station on time, penalty fees will be charged directly to your card.
  • When there’s something wrong with a Valenbisi, It’s common practice in Valencia to leave the bike seat on backwards. If the bike you took had some issues, you should notify Valenbisi, and leave the bike seat on backwards for other users to see. Vice versa, if you see a bike parked with the seat on backwards, consider getting a different one.
Valenbisi seat backwards
If you see a bike with the seat left on backwards, don’t take it. It means that the previous user noticed there is something wrong with the bike. Likewise, if during your rental you have any kind of issue with the bike, report it to Valenbisi and leave the seat on backwards to warn other users.
  • If any damage were done to the bike or if it were stolen while your rental is active, you could face penalties up to €150.00 (which Valenbisi can take from your account directly).
  • For any unforeseen issues, you can always contact Valenbisi (+34 900 900 722) or go to their offices at Galeria Comercial Sapris, Calle Asturias, 34.
Valenbisi office
If you have any issues with your account and you prefer not to talk on the phone, you can always go to the Valenbisi office.

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