Every year, on the night of Saint Joseph’s day (19th March), the Cremà is celebrated with the burning of all the sculptures. In the flames, one entire year of preparation reaches its climax and is concluded.
As for the timetable, it changes slightly every year and it is not generally closely followed, as is to be expected with such big events. It roughly follows the same structure every year.
- Fireworks To mark the beginning of the burning ceremony, the Fallera Mayor lights fireworks, and the burning of the children’s fallas can begin.
- Cremà of the fallas infantiles This usually begins at around 8:00 or 10:00 pm.
- Cremà first prize (infantiles) After other fallas infantiles are burnt, the special section’s first prize winner in this category is burnt too. According to the official timetable, this should take place half an hour after the burning of the initial falla infantil.
- Cremà of the adult fallas After the children’s celebration, the adult fallas, sometimes called fallas mayores, are burnt. According to the official timetable, this is two hours after the initial falla infantil has been burnt.
- Cremà first prize (adult fallas) Following the same logic as before, the special section’s first prize winner for the adult fallas is burnt after 30 minutes.
- Municipal Cremà Finally, after all other fallas have been burnt, the municipal falla in Plaza del Ayuntamiento is burnt too, bringing the festival to a closure.

This timetable generally allows for people to see as many fallas as possible. What many locals do is to go see their neighbourhood falla burn, then the first prize winner, and the municipal falla for last.
If you’d like to know more details about the full Fallas calendar, you can have a look at our article.