People taking pictures of La Cremà during Fallas in Valencia

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This is the Cremà in images.

La Cremà Fallas del Mercat
Even before the fallas start burning, there will be music and fireworks.
Burning falla during La Cremà
The burning of a falla is as much of a spectacle as the sculpture itself.
La Cremà Fallas Valencia
If a falla has several pieces, they are designed to burn in a specific order, so that the sculpture falls apart bit by bit.
La Cremà of the fallas infantiles
Fallas infantiles are usually much smaller than fallas mayores and burn quicker.
Fireworks in Plaza de Ayuntamiento de Valencia during La Cremà
Fireworks are a huge part of the Cremà. There are displays before the start of the bonfires, then with the burning of every falla, and finally at the end of the Cremà
La Cremà - Fallas Valencia
Even though fallas infantiles are smaller, they are still incredibly elaborate and can be made up of dozens of pieces.
Fireworks in Plaza de Ayuntamiento de Valencia - La Cremà
Plaza del Ayuntamiento is where most of the fireworks are fired.
Smoke from a burned falla during La Cremà
The fallas in Plaza del Ayuntamiento are the largest. Their bonfires offer the biggest show on the night of the Cremà.
Ninot burning during La Cremà
The ninots that have not won the Exposiciò del Ninot are burnt with their respective fallas.
Crowd watching the burning of a falla in Valencia
Over a million visitors come to Valencia to see the fallas burn every year.
La Cremà in Plaza de Ayuntamiento in Valencia
Even if you miss the beginning, the falla in Plaza del Ayuntamiento will last for a while, as it is the biggest.
Pyrotechnic show during La Cremà - Fallas Valencia
The biggest firework shows of the Cremà come with the burning of the fallas in Plaza del Ayuntamiento.
La Cremà, Fallas Valencia
Don’t worry about not being close enough to the fallas before they burn. The sculptures are rather large, so the view is great even metres away
Person taking picture of La Cremà
If you’re a photography aficionado, the Cremà offers great photo opportunities.

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