Fireworks over Alameda in Valencia during Fallas

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These are the Castillos de Fuegos Artificiales in images.

Fireworks during a castillo de fuegos artificiales in Valencia.
Valencia is known for its love of fireworks, especially during Fallas.
People watching a castillo de fuegos artificiales in Valencia.
The castillos de fuegos artificiales are some of the most beloved moments of the Fallas festival.
Firework display during Fallas.
While the biggest castillo de fuegos in Valencia happens in the Turia Park, many other firework displays take place in the city centre.
Castillo de fuegos artificiales over Turia Park in Valencia.
Valencian pyrotechnicians are renowned to be particularly creative with colours and shapes during their firework displays
Person filming a firework display in Valencia.
Fireworks are one of the things Fallas is most well-known for and they make up for great photo opportunities.
Colourful pyrotechnic display during Fallas in Valencia.
During fallas you’ll often see the nigh sky illuminated by all sorts of colours and plenty of smoke.

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