Fireworks show known as Castillo de Fuegos Artificiales during Valencia’s Fallas

Practical Info

The Castillos de Fuegos are normally held at night between the 15th and the 19th of March.

L’Alba de les Falles
Castillo de Fuegos
Castillo de Fuegos
Nit de Foc
Event Time Date Place Duration
L’Alba de les Falles 00:00 am Night between 15th-16th Plaza del Ayuntamiento 10 min.
Castillo de Fuegos 00:00 am From the 1st to the 14th of March& night between 16th-17th Between Puente de la Exposición and Puente de las Flores 15 min.
Castillo de Fuegos 01:00 am Night between 17th-18th Between Puente de la Exposición and Puente de las Flores 15 min.
Nit de Foc 01:30 am Night between 18th-19th Between Puente de la Exposición and Puente de las Flores 20 min.

Restricted areas

Access to the sites is restricted for safety reasons. For this reason, it is forbidden to enter the enclosure in Plaza del Ayuntamiento on the 15th at night. All the other Castillos de Fuegos take place in the 9th tramo of the Turia Park. Access to that section is therefore forbidden.

To be specific, the closed off bridges for the occasion are: Puente de la Exposición, Puente de las Flores, Puente del Mar.

In terms of streets, the whole Passeig de Ciutadella and the stretch of the Alameda between Puente de la Exposición and Puente del Mar are off-limits. Additionally, Puente del Real and Puente de Aragón are also closed off for vehicles.

In any case, we recommend you get there on foot or by public transport.

Best spots to watch the firework displays

To see the Alba de les Falles it’s best to be in Plaza del Ayuntamiento. If you want an excellent view of the show, hotels and apartments rent rooms with a view of the square.

Crowd gathered hours before the fireworks spectacle to watch Albà during Fallas Valencia
Like for many other events of this kind, people start gathering early in Plaza del Ayuntamiento to see the Albà de les Falles.

For the Castillos in the Turia Park, it’s best to be on the nearby bridges or at the sides of the park. This means Puente del Real and the Puente de Aragón offer an excellent view - there will be no cars allowed on them so you can safely occupy the bridges.

You can also go to either end of Puente de Aragón (with Plaza de América and Plaza Zaragoza). Other viable options are the area surrounding the kiosk La Pérgola on the Alameda or even Calle de l’Arquitecte Mora and its surroundings.

Our recommendations

When choosing a spot to watch the Castillos de Fuegos, always make sure that your view is not impeded by trees or urban architecture.

Try to go early, as many people are already starting to find a spot at least half an hour before the start of the display.


The special safety measures that are put in place at the time of the Castillos de Fuegos can also affect public transport. A lot of EMT bus lines are also diverted, so the best is to ask the driver what the closest stop is.

Turia Park

The Alameda metro stop is generally closed before the display for safety reasons, so you shouldn’t take it into consideration when trying to get there.

Method Metro Tram Bus Valenbisi
Line 3, 5, 7, 9 none 10, 25, 26, 6, 70, 71, 95 -
Stops Colón, Aragón, Facultats none - 029, 078, 009, 080, 083

Plaza del Ayuntamiento

Method Metro Tram Bus Valenbisi
Line 3, 5, 7, 9 10 C1, 6, 8, 11, 35, 70 -
Stops Colón, Xàtiva Alacant - 015, 011, 017, 148, 040, 018

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Practical Info