Mid and long-distance trains
Mid and long-distance trains
Mid and long-distance trains are those that generally connect Valencia with other cities outside the region.
The available trains and lines vary depending on the day of the week and the season. Some of the more popular destinations covered by the long-distance trains are the well-known cities, listed below.
- Barcelona
- Madrid
- Sevilla
- Murcia
- Zaragoza
- Tarragona.
You can also find trains of this kind for smaller cities belonging to other Spanish regions, listed here.
- Cartagena
- Albacete
- Ciudad Real
- Cuenca
- Huesca
- Tortosa
- Lorca.
Some towns and cities in the Valencia region are also covered by mid-distance trains. Some very popular ones are as follows.
- Alicante
- Elche
- Villena
- Alcoy

Some of these trains will make fewer stops (like the Regional Exprés and Intercity lines), thus making the journey shorter. Some other lines, like the Regional and Media Distancia (indicated as MD), make more stops along the way, thus making the journey longer.
Remember that high-speed trains, like the Avant and Ave lines, only depart from Joaquín Sorolla train station.

The price of your ticket is not fixed based on the destination, and it might vary depending on a few factors:
- How far you are going
- What kind of line you are taking (with few or many stops)
- The time of the journey (season, day of the week, and time in the day)
- How early you get your ticket
You should also keep in mind that for longer distance journeys, we suggest you plan your trip ahead (one of two weeks).
You can find more information on how to get your tickets in the pertaining section of this article.
Here is a table with the average prices from Valencia North Station to selected destinations.
Destination |
Price Range |
Destination | Barcelona | Madrid | Sevilla | Cuenca | Alicante |
Price Range | €20.00 - €40.00 | €30.00 | €40.00 - €50.00 | €15.00 - €20.00 | €20.00 - €30.00 |
All prices were calculated on bookings made one or two weeks in advance.