History video about la Lonja de la Seda in Valencia

Useful tips for your visit

Here you have our recommendations and tips to ensure that you make the most of your experience and you don’t miss out on anything the Silk Exchange in Valencia has to offer.

  • Remember that while the Lonja is always free on Sundays and holidays, on those days it closes earlier than usual, at 2:00 pm instead of 7:00 pm.
  • Because of the restricted opening hours, if you want to enjoy the monument in tranquillity and with fewer people around, we recommend you visit the Lonja during the week.
  • On Sundays, between 10:00 am and 1:00 pm, there is a flea market where you can exchange antique collector’s items in front of the Lonja. You will find stamps, coins, banknotes, postcards, comics, vinyl, letters, books, and many more items.
  • There is no specific time you need to be inside the Lonja de la Seda. If you wanted to, you could be in and out in 10 minutes, however, to appreciate all the intricate and detailed decorations of the building, we recommend you spend between 30 minutes and one hour in the Silk Exchange.
  • If you want detailed information about the building during your visit, audio guides are available at the site for €2.25 per person.

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