Popular neighbourhoods and areas in Valencia
Divided into 19 districts, the city of Valencia preserves its identity in its many neighbourhoods, each with a different history, style, and essence.
Popular neighbourhoods and areas in Valencia
Divided into 19 districts, the city of Valencia preserves its identity in its many neighbourhoods, each with a different history, style, and essence.
Like many other cities in Spain, Valencia has maintained a variety of small neighbourhoods (barrios, in Spanish), each with its own identity, architectural style, and functional features. The city is divided into 19 districts, each consequently subdivided into neighbourhoods, for a total of 88 barrios.
You might find it peculiar that every neighbourhood has preserved its own well-defined personality. This is a phenomenon that you can see in many Spanish cities, where the inhabitants are deeply involved in local events and the maintenance of their neighbourhoods’ traditions.

By wandering just a few streets away from where you are, you can feel like you are in a completely different place. You’ll find different architecture, colours, businesses, and crowds as you move through the city. Many neighbourhoods, especially the ones outside Valencia’s centre, feel like they are their own little towns.
Here you’ll find the basic information about the most visited and well-known barrios and districts in Valencia. In each section of this article, you can read about the main features, vibes, and styles of the neighbourhoods. You’ll learn about the important sights in the different areas of the city, and what you can expect when visiting each of them.

If you want more details about a specific barrio, you can have a look at our neighbourhoods section.