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This is the Cremà in images.

Valencia Travel Guide
This is the Cremà in images.
The Silk Exchange encapsulates two feats of Valencia’s Golden Age: masterful artistic expression and mercantile power.
Divided into 19 districts, the city of Valencia preserves its identity in its many neighbourhoods, each with a different history, style, and essence.
A nightly appointment for all Valencians under Fallas, when the sky shatters into droplets of light and glistening colours
Even after the sun has set, there are no limits to the Fallas decorations in the city: streetlight installations illuminate the neighbourhoods during the festival.
Bright colours, rich fabrics, endless details and meticulous embroidery. These are the clothes worms by falleras and falleros during Fallas.
Art collectives, pastel façades, bakeries, courtyard concerts and bohemian bars: this is Valencia’s hip neighbourhood. This is where you come to unwind on a sidewalk terrace after a museum tour.