Norms and rules for scooters

Norms and rules for scooters

When you take out a scooter, you are responsible and liable for how you conduct yourself on the street. This means that you have to respect all traffic rules to ensure your safety and that of others around you. By doing so, you will also avoid any fines, which you will be considered responsible for paying with any rental or motosharing company.


  • You can drive on normal streets with other vehicles.
  • You cannot drive on bike lanes.
  • You can drive your scooter even in case of traffic restrictions due to pollution, as the vehicle is completely electric and does not contribute to emissions.
  • You can drive in A.P.R., or Áreas Prioridad Residencial (residential priority areas), as long as they are within the designated app area.
  • Respect speed limits. In Valencia’s urban area the streets generally fall between two categories. For streets that have only one lane per direction, the speed limit is 30 km/h (slightly below 19 mph). For all other streets, it is 50 km/h (about 31 mph).
  • You have to wear a helmet, which is provided by the motosharing companies. Failure to comply can mean getting a fine of up to €200.00.
  • It is forbidden to wear earphones on a scooter, if you do so you are risking a fine of up to €200.00.


While you can park anywhere you want within the area indicated by your scooter provider, you still need to make sure that you are respecting Valencia’s motorcycle parking rules.

Electric scooter parked correctly vs incorrectly
Here you can see a scooter parked correctly (on the left) and one parked incorrectly (right). Remember you can never obstruct passage when parking your vehicle.

On the sidewalk

  • Avoid parking on the sidewalk whenever this can obstruct pedestrian passage. Failure to do so can incur a fine of up to €200.00.
  • You cannot park on the sidewalk if this is less than 3 metres wide.
  • You cannot park on the sidewalk if there is a motorcycle parking space less than 50 metres away.
  • You cannot park in front of a business entrance/exit.
  • You cannot park on disabled parking bays.
  • You cannot park on manhole covers.
  • You cannot park in front of bus stops.
  • You cannot park on the sidewalk (or the street) if you are less than 3 metres away from a crosswalk.
  • If the sidewalk borders the road, and it is between 3 and 6 metres wide, you need to parallel park.
  • If the sidewalk borders the road, and it is more than 6 metres wide, you need to angle park.
  • If the sidewalk borders a bike lane, and it is between 3 and 6 metres wide, you need to keep a distance of 1 metre from the bike lane.
  • If the sidewalk borders a bike lane, and it is more than 6 metres wide, you need to keep a distance of at least 3 metres from the bike lane.

On a bike lane

  • It is severely forbidden to park on a bike lane, on any occasion.

On the street

  • You can park in motorcycle parking spots.
  • You cannot park in parking spots reserved for bikes.
  • You cannot park on disabled parking bays.
  • You cannot park on the street (or sidewalk) if you are less than 3 metres away from a crosswalk.
  • You cannot park wherever there’s a bus stop.
  • You cannot park wherever there’s a sign expressly prohibiting it.

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Norms and rules for scooters