Estación del Norte
The North Station is one of Valencia’s Art Nouveau landmarks and a sign of the city’s 20th-century expansion, while still maintaining its ties to local traditions and the Huerta.
Estación del Norte
The North Station is one of Valencia’s Art Nouveau landmarks and a sign of the city’s 20th-century expansion, while still maintaining its ties to local traditions and the Huerta.
This article focuses on the Estación del Norte as a sight. For details about travel and transport, take a look at our article about the North Station and trains in Valencia.
Estación del Norte (Estació del Nord in Valencian, North Station in English) is the city’s main train station for mid and short-distance trains. It is not to be confused with Joaquín Sorollatrain station, which is reserved for high-speed, long-distance trains, and stands just behind the North Station.
Estación del Norte, which takes its name from the company that originally commissioned it, is one of the city’s most recognisable buildings. It stands out for its proportions and importance in the infrastructure network of the city, as well as for its aesthetic value.
Built during the years of urban expansion in the early 20th century, the station is one of Valencia’s modernist jewels, and it is considered to be one of the most beautiful in Spain.

In faithful keeping with the Art Nouveau determination to unify the practical and functional with the artistic and beautiful, Valencia’s North Station resolved the requirements of its expanding city in beauty.
The need for industrial growth was met and fulfilled in a delicately and meticulously ornamented construction. Estación del Norte couples commercial and industrial necessity with images of the local landscape (the Huerta), agricultural traditions, and folklore. Here, the natural curves and shapes of plants and flowers coexist with the use of modern materials.

Geographically - and somewhat symbolically - the station stands at the edge between Valencia’s Ciutat Vella, the old quarters, and its newer neighbourhoods, like Ruzafa.
This elegantly maintained building, often a meeting point for locals thanks to its advantaged position, is much more than just a train station. Beautifully far from just being a functional facility, it is also an open museum. It is a memento that, for those that know where to look, offers a glimpse of turn-of-the-century Valencia.