Fireworks over Valencia during Nit del Foc

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This is the Nit del Foc in images.

Multi-coloured fireworks in Valencia during the Nit del Foc.
The Nit del Foc is the largest and longest firework display in Valencia.
Crowd watching the Nit del Foc in Valencia.
The Nit del Foc attracts the biggest crowds as far as fireworks displays go in Valencia.
Castillo de Fuegos Artificiales in Valencia for the Fallas festival.
During the Nit del Foc you’ll see dozens of different kinds of fireworks in all sorts of colours.
Golden fireworks for the Nit del Foc.
Valencia has strong pyrotechnic traditions, so all castillos de fuegos, the Nit del Foc first among them, are greatly appreciated by the locals.
Person filming the fireworks in Valencia.
The Nit del Foc is a great opportunity for photos, with its 20-minute long display.
Nit del Foc fireworks above the Turia Park.
The Nit del Foc, like many other castillos de fuegos artificiales in Valencia, takes place in the Turia Park.

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