Fallera setting off firecrackers during Desperta

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This is Despertà in images.

Small marching band Desperta fallas Valencia
Falleros and falleras march the streets of the city during the Despertà making as much noise as possible thanks to music and firecrackers.
Falleras and falleros walking the streets of Valencia during Despertá
Falleras and falleros walk down the Valencian streets while lighting up firecrackers.
Box with firecrackers used in Desperta - Fallas Valencia
Falleros usually carry their firecrackers around in a wooden box.
Fallera throwing firecrackers during Desperta in Fallas Valencia
The firecrackers are usually lit with the help of a thick piece of string that acts as a match.
Music band playing during Despertá - Fallas Valencia
The marching bands in the despertà can be quite small, being made up of only a few members.
Woman with firecrackers at Desperta during Fallas in Valencia
The falleras and falleros have a wide variety of firecrackers at their disposal during the despertà.
Fallero setting off a firecracker
Some of the firecrackers used in the despertà are quite common, while others can be extremely loud and require a special permit to handle.
Fallera with box of firecrackers in Desperta in Valencia
During the Despertà the streets can get pretty smokey due to the explosives.
Fallera setting firecrackers of during Desperta
Although some falleras will already be wearing a traditional hairdo during the despertà, you’ll see many others with regular hair.
Desperta Fallas Valencia - falleros in the streets
Most of the falleros and falleras will be wearing warm clothes and sweaters displaying their falla’s logo.
Fallera with firecrackers for the Desperta
Many falleras will have their hair already up and pinned in the traditional way, but they will be wearing modern clothing for the Desperta.
Throwing firecrackers for the desperta in Valencia during Fallas
If you want to sleep in during fallas, you should get some earbuds, because the Despertà is always quite loud.

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