Piazza Navona - Roma

Useful tips

  • Don’t worry about booking tickets or paying an entrance fee. A visit to this beautiful square is free!
  • You can choose to opt for a free, self-guided tour from the Trevi Fountain to Piazza Navona.
  • The square is surrounded by cafes and restaurants, a wonderful place to grab a drink or a bite.
  • The famous markets at Piazza Navona can’t be missed, especially if you decide to go there during the Christmas period.
  • The square is full of impressive monuments and works, so take the time to admire them.
  • You could also visit the ruins of the Stadium of Domitian, located about 4.5 meters below street level. An underground experience of Piazza Navona costs between €4.50 - €8.50. Find more info here .

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