Castel Sant'Angelo - Roma

Useful tips

  • Because of the large number of tourists who come here every week, we recommend going as early as possible and on weekdays.
  • To avoid long queues, it’s best to book your tickets online in advance.
  • You can also purchase a Roma Pass to visit the castle for free.
  • Check the official website of Castel Sant’Angelo for current opening hours and COVID-19 restrictions.
  • Please, note that you’re visiting a museum and that eating or drinking isn’t allowed here. Beides, it’s permitted to take pictures but only without flash.
  • In terms of duration, a visit to the castle can take up to three hours. Keep this in mind for your day planning.
  • Due to the structure of the building, there are some access barriers. For example, wheelchairs can only reach the fifth floor via a special elevator.
  • Castel Sant’Angelo is easy to reach by car and in Lungotevere, you can find a parking spot in both directions.

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