Map of metro network at a station in Valencia

Map and helpful tools

While you are moving around a new city, it can be hard to know where exactly the nearest station is, or what the best route to go anywhere is. You can make your life easier by always having a map of the Metrovalencia network with you, as well as using a few tools.

This way, you can reload your tickets on the go, consult timetables and check the nearest station to you. Here we have gathered the most popular and useful tools, along with the official map of the network.

Valencia metro map

There are maps available at every station, but it’s also useful to have one on your smartphone that you can use during your trip.

Here you can download the official map for the Valencia metro network (PDF - 1 MB), which illustrates zones, metro, and tram lines, with all relative stops.

Valencia metro and tram network map
Pictured you can see all Metro Valencia lines, including both metro and tram.

Helpful tools to travel by metro in Valencia

There are various useful tools for planning journeys and paying for metro journeys in Valencia. To use them during your stay, you’ll need a smartphone with an internet connection.

Mobile version*
Web version
More info
Tool Moovit Google Maps RecargaSUMA* Metrovalencia app
Function Route planning for city buses and all other methods of public transportation in Valencia. Detailed maps and route planning for public transportation in many cities worldwide. Top up and check how many rides you have left on your SUMA pass. Check metro schedules and routes. Recharge passes that are not of much interest to tourists.
Mobile version*
Web version
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*Refers to the availability of mobile apps that can be installed from the App Store (iOS) or Google Play Store (Android).


The purpose of this app is to provide information about public transport routes in Valencia and other cities around the world.

When it comes to buses and trams, the app can provide real-time information (based on GPS data) on vehicle arrivals at any stop. For the metro, it provides estimated arrival times of the next trains.

Moovit app used to plan a trip in Valencia
Using transport apps is an easy and reliable way to plan your trips ahead of time. Pictured, you can see Moovit’s journey planner.

Moovit is ideal for planning trips using any type of public transportation. You can use the app directly in your web browser without having to download it. However, it’s recommended that you install it anyway for a significantly better user experience.

Download the Moovit app for iPhone

Download the Moovit app for Android

Access the web version of Moovit

Google Maps

This popular tool provides detailed information on route planning and sights. Google Maps is very user-friendly and provides real-time updates on all public transport methods (including buses).

Google Maps used for public transport in Valencia
Using transport apps is an easy and reliable way to plan your trips ahead of time. Pictured, you can see Google Maps’ journey planner.

Just like Moovit, Google Maps suggests several routes to reach your destination. Also, it provides information about the arrival time of vehicles through the “Schedule Explorer” option.

Google Maps is installed by default on most devices running on Android. If you don’t have the app yet, you can download it for free (also available for iOS) or use the web version.

Download the Google Maps app for iPhone

Download the Google Maps app for Android

Access the web version of Google Maps

Recarga SUMA

The Recarga SUMA app allows users to check how many rides they have left on their SUMA cards, as well as top them up. It works with any SUMA pass. The app replaces the previous app, RecargaMobilis.

Unfortunately, to use it you need to have a Spanish phone number on your device. In our experience, it also doesn’t work on every phone, so your ability to use it depends on the compatibility of your device.

RecargaSUMA App used for buying tickets in Valencia
The RecargaSUMA app is ideal for those that want to reload their SUMA passes on the go.

Download the RecargaSUMA app for Android

Metrovalencia app

The Metrovalencia app allows you to check the updated info about metro schedules, routes, updates, and run time.

Metrovalencia app
Using transport apps is an easy and reliable way to plan your trips ahead of time. Pictured, you can see Metrovalencia’s journey planner.

You cannot recharge any SUMA passes or get single metro tickets on this app. You can only recharge metro-exclusive services, like TuiN, a monthly metro pass that is not of much use to tourists.

Download the MetroValencia app for Android

Download the MetroValencia app for iOS

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Map and helpful tools