Ninot Exhibition in Valencia

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These are the Ninots and their Exhibit in images.

Ninots at the Exposicio del Ninot.
For every ninot you’ll find the name of its falla at the base.
Hundreds of ninots at the Ninot Exhibit.
There are so many ninots that the Exhibit takes up the entire hall at the Museo de Ciencias Príncipe Felip.
Details of a Ninot at the Exposiciò.
At the Exposiciò you’ll be able to appreciate the detail that goes into some of the ninots at the exhibit.
Ninots at the Exhibit in the Science Museum.
The ninots (especially belonging to the fallas mayores) often reference local or international political and cultural events.
Dr. Serrano - C. Cervera - Clero ninot at the Exhibit.
If you can, it’s a good idea to have a local explain what references are being made by the various ninots.
Ninots lined up in the Science Museum for the Ninot Exhibit.
If you want to see all of the ninots at the Exhibit, you should allow for an entire morning or evening.
Ninot scene at the Exposicio del Ninot in Valencia.
Some ninots (especailly the bigger ones) form entire scenes.
Fallera Mayor Infantil with a ninot at the Exhibit.
It is common for Falleras Mayores and fallas committee members to bring a ninot home .
Ninots infantiles at the Ninot exhibition.
Some ninots (usually ninots infantiles) consist of a single figure instead of a scene.
Museo de Ciencias Príncipe Felip ticket office.
You can get your tickets for the Ninot Exhibit at the entrance of the Science Museum.
Detail of a ninot depicting a fallera.
Quite often the ninots depict figures and people that participate in fallas, the most common being the fallera.
Ninot Exhibit detail.
Like the fallas, the ninots are made of painted papier-mâché, polystyrene, and sometimes fabric..
Ninots set up at the Exposiciò del Ninot in Valencia.
As you can see, some of the ninots are more elaborate than others
Infantil section at the Ninot Exhibit.
You’ll find the two types of ninots (mayores and infantiles) in separate sections of the museum.
Ninots Infantiles at the Exposicio del Ninot in Valencia.
Ninots Infantiles usually depict fictional figures that children are familiar with.
Colourful ninots infantiles at the exhibition.
Ninots Infantiles will occasionally depict children’s games and even well-known toys.
Small ninots at the Exposiciò del Ninot.
Although some of the ninots are quite big, others will be quite small (no taller than 2 feet).
Small ninots lined up at the Ninot Exhibit in Valencia’s Science Museum.
Although you cannot touch the ninots at the Exhibit, you’ll be able to look at them quite closely.
Ninots infantiles set up on the shelves at the Ninot Exhibition.
The numbers below each ninot are so that you can easily vote for your favourite.
Ninot Exhibition gallery at the Science Museum in Valencia.
The bigger ninots (usually 6 feet tall) are set up on pedestals in the Exhibition gallery.
Dr. Serrano - C. Cervera - Clero ninot details.
Ninots that are part of a falla mayor will often reference real-life public figures.
Ninot depicting fallero with fireworks.
Although not as oftem as the falleras, falleros are also depicted in various ninots.
Ninot referencing political events of 2022.
It is common for ninots to reference political events or the current political climate.

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