Parade float in Valencia’s Moros y Cristianos.

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This is the Moros y Cristianos celebration in images.

Performers in the Moros y Cristianos parade.
In the Moros y Cristianos parade there are groups of women and men performing in the streets.
Street parade during Moros y Cristianos.
The costumes worn by the performers don’t aim at historical or cultural accuracy.
Group of male performers during Moros y Cristianos.
There are dozens of groups performing during Moros y Cristianos, and each of them wears different costumes and colours.
Band of performers during Valencia’s Moros y Cristianos.
Moros y Cristianos is one of the most colourful parades you’ll see in Valencia.
Procession for the Moros y Cristianos in Valencia.
Many bands of performers have a flagbearer walking in front of them, advertising the name of the organisation they belong to.
Moros y Cristianos performers during Fallas in Valencia.
The various bands of performers normally carry some kind of (fake) weapon: scimitars, swords, and bayonets.
Music band during Moros y Cristianos.
The Moros y Cristianos performers are normally followed or preceded by music bands.
Moros y Cristianos impersonators in Valencia.
Moros y Cristianos is as much of a parade as it is a performance. The impersonators will often stop in the streets to enact a scene or a fight.
Bands of Moros y Cristianos impersonators walking the streets of Valencia.
The broader streets are where the most Moros y Cristianos performances and processions occur.
Moros y Cristianos in a Valencian street for Fallas.
Entire streets are closed to traffic on the occasion of the Moros y Cristianos parades.
Moros y Cristianos performers parading the streets of Valencia during Fallas.
The costumes worn during the Moros y Cristianos performances generally involve make-up, hairdos, accessories, and structured costumes.
Moros y Cristianos group in a procession in Valencia.
Large crowds usually gather along the streets to see the Moros y Cristianos parades.
Moros y Cristianos parade in Ruzafa, Valencia.
The neighbourhoods with the most streetlights are where a lot of Moros y Cristianos parades take place during Fallas.
Children throwing confetti during Moros y Cristianos.
There also are children as impersonators during the Moros y Cristianos parade.
Moros y Cristianos impersonators dancing.
The Moros y Cristianos parades are often accompanied by dances or choreographies.
Impersonator leading a group during Moros y Cristianos.
There often is a group leader at the head of each Moros y Cristianos performance group.
Moros y Cristianos performers seen from the back.
The groups of performers that you see during Moros y Cristianos come from all over the region to take part in the parade.
Moros y Cristianos in Carrer del Mestre Racional, Ruzafa.
Ruzafa, thanks to its broad streets, is usually where many Moros y Cristianos parades take place.
Group of performers in Valencia’s streets.
Moros y Cristianos performers, especially dancers, are accompanied by music - usually drums and wind instruments.
Moros y Cristianos performers with hand-guns.
Although not historically accurate, many Moros y Cristianos impersonators hold (fake) hand-guns or arquebuses.
Children on a float during Moros y Cristianos.
Children performing on occasion of the Moros y Cristianos often stand on floats.
Moros y Cristianos procession in Valencia.
The Moros y Cristianos parade follows a pre-determined route that you can follow.
Moros y Cristianos in the evening in Valencia.
You’ll often find street food stands along the streets where the biggest Moros y Cristianos parades take place in Valencia.
Two performers for Moros y Cristianos.
The parade often stops to allow for dance performances, re-enactments, and breaks.
Group of female performers during Valencia’s Moros y Cristianos parade.
The costumes worn by both female and male performers aim at theatricality first and foremost, much like the rest of the Fallas festival.

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