People taking pictures of La Crida - Fallas Valencia

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This is the Crida in images.

Crida - Fallas Valencia, Torres de Serranos
Many spectators watch the Crida from Puente de Serranos, in front of the towers.
Spectators at the Crida - Fallas Valencia, Torres de Serranos
Even if there are a lot of people in front of you, you’ll still get to see the firework display at the Crida perfectly.
Crida light show- Fallas Valencia, Torres de Serranos
Before the firework display at the Crida, there is a light show projected onto the Serranos Towers.
Crowds at the Crida - Fallas Valencia, Torres de Serranos
The Crida is a highly anticipated event, thousands of people gather on both sides of the Turia park to watch it.
Crida - Fallas Valencia, Torres de Serranos
As the sun starts setting, the Crida reaches the end of the light show and the beginning of the proclamation.
Fireworks show during La Crida - Fallas Valencia
Finally, with the darkness, the firework display begins.
Crowd waiting for la Crida in Torres de Serranos
Crowds start to gather for the Crida well before sunset, so it’s better to come early if you want to stay close to the towers.
Projections on the Torres de Serranos, La Crida - Fallas Valencia
Usually the light show retraces key moments in the history of the festival and the Crida itself.
Falleros gathered to watch La Crida during Fallas
Those who gather the earliest get to the Crida from Plaça dels Furs by the towers.
Crida - Fallas Valencia, Torres de Serranos
At the end of the light show, before the fireworks is the proclamation and the Fallera Mayor’s speech.
Person recording La Crida at the Torres de Serranos
There will be big crowds at the Crida, so be careful not to misplace your phone if you are using it for pictures.
Light show and fireworks at the Torres de Serranos - Fallas Valencia
The light show and fireworks set off from the Serranos Towers open three weeks of pyrotechnic displays.

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