Museum structure of City of Arts and Sciences in Valencia

Nearby places of interest

The City of Arts finds itself somewhat between the city centre and the harbour (a 30-minute walk either way). This makes the Ciudad not as close to many sights as the other landmarks in the city. Nevertheless, there are still a few things you’ll find in the vicinity.

In any case, we want to remind you that if you intend to visit the City and all its buildings in their entirety on the same day, you won’t have time for much else.

This is the serpentine urban garden that hugs the city of Valencia, known as Jardín del Turia. The park is almost 10 km long (about 6 miles) and is an excellent example of urban space being used to create a liveable city. In it, you can find leisure areas, fountains, footpaths, bike lanes, open-air gyms, and sports pitches (including football and baseball).

The garden is divided into 16 sections (tramos in Spanish), separated by various bridges that help pedestrians and vehicles alike cross to the other side. Walking the entirety of the park would take about 1 hour and 30 minutes. The City of Arts and Sciences is attached to the park, by its 14th-15th sections.

If you would like to know more about this park, you can check out our article about the Jardín del Turia.

Every year in March, the city of Valencia hosts the Fallas festival. On the occasion of the festival, each neighbourhood of the city produces a ninot figure known as falla. Almost all fallas are burned at the end of the festival on 19th March, for the Cremà.

Every year, selected figures are saved from the bonfire either by popular vote or by the artists of the guild. The Museu Faller de Valencia is the museum that houses the exhibition of ninots saved by popular vote from the final bonfire. The museum is made up of the collection of various ninots, the oldest of which date back to 1934.

The Museu Faller is almost opposite the Palau de les Arts, a mere 250 metres away from it (3-minute walk, about 820 feet). To get to it from the Palau, you’ll only need to cross the street (Carrer de l’Alcalde Reig) and head north. The first street you’ll find on your left will be Carrer de Pere Aleixandre. The entrance to the Museu Faller is on this street.

If you would like more information about this venue, you can find it in our article about the Museu Faller.

Ruzafa (or Russafa, in Valencian) is a popular neighbourhood in the Eixample of Valencia. It is more modern than the old quarters of the city, and it features many chic venues, beloved by locals and tourists alike. Ruzafa is known for its indie art galleries and stores, American-style bakeries, cafes with terraces, as well as trendy bars and clubs.

Going from the City of Arts and Sciences to Ruzafa should take you around 15 minutes (1.2 km, or 0.7 miles). From the Palau de les Arts, you can head north on Carrer de l’Alcalde Reig and then turn left on Avenida del Regne de València. After walking for a few minutes on this street you’ll find yourself in Ruzafa.

You can read more about this neighbourhood in our article about Ruzafa.


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