Piazza di Spagna - Roma

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In the historical center of the city, Piazza di Spagna is not far from many other architectural monuments and tourist sites. In this list, you will find some of those within walking distance.

Piazza del Popolo

It is one of the most famous squares in Rome. It is located near Via Flaminia and, at the time of the Roman Empire, it used to be the main entrance to the city.

Since the late 1600s, it also features two beautiful twin churches, one next to the other and almost identical. They are Santa Maria in Montesanto and Santa Maria dei Miracoli.

It’s 700 m from Piazza di Spagna (8-minute walk).

Piazza Navona

This is one of the most famous monumental squares in Rome. Emperor Domitian had a large stadium built on this spot for athletic competitions, which had room for 30,000 people.

After the fall of the Roman Empire, the Romans built houses on the former tribunes. The athletics track itself remained unbuilt and evolved into a large square over the centuries. In the 17th century, Pope Innocent X gave it its current shape.

Piazza Navona is 1,2 km from Piazza di Spagna (15-minute walk).

Piazza Venezia

Piazza Venezia with the Altare della Patria is among the iconic sights of Rome. It’s located at the foot of Campidoglio hill, where five of the city’s main streets intersect. It’s named after the nearby Palazzo Venezia, which was used as the embassy of the Venetian Republic in Rome.

A few sights in this square include Palazzo Bonaparte, the Monument to Victor Emanuel II, Palazzo Venezia, Basilica San Marco, and the bust of Madame Lucrezia.

Piazza Venezia is 1,4 km to the south of Piazza di Spagna (an 18-minute walk).

Imperial Fora

The Fori Imperiali consists of a series of monumental fora (public squares). They were built over a total period of 150 years, between 46 BC and 113 AD. Over the years, Caesar, Vespasian, Augustus, Nerva, and Trajan contributed to its development.

The Imperial Fora were built to replace the Roman Forum after it became too small due to strong population growth and could no longer fulfill its purpose as the center of Rome.

The entrance to the Imperial Fora is 1,7 km from Piazza di Spagna (a 20-minute walk).

Palazzo Castellesi

Castellesi Palace, also known by the name Torlonia, is an important renaissance building, in the Borgo district, near Saint Peter’s Basilica. From the time of its construction until today, it has had many different roles, among which are the British Embassy, ecclesiastical college, hospice, and private residence.

It’s 280 m from Piazza di Spagna (3-minute walk).

Saints Ambrogio and Carlo al Corso Basilica

It is a minor basilica in Rome, known as the “national” church for the Lombardi (people from the region of Lombardy) in Rome. Its construction began in 1612, substituting an X-century building. Its bright interior is a great example of late-Baroque Roman style, and it holds two of the biggest statues of Rome, those of the two Saints after which it takes its name.

It’s located 450 m from the Square (a 6-minute walk).


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